l Mainpage l Animals l Flowers l Mixed l Baby's l Toddlers l Elephants l Colours ll Fantasyl

Do not link to these images directly...all you will see is a Tripod commercial.  Better download them to your harddisk first (O:

(This image has an actual size of 180x800. You don't see the font very sharp, that is because I resized it to fit into this area (O: You will however download the real thing.  You can use it just like I did on top of your page.)

This FREE webset is edited (not designed) by Kittekat Design. I found the girls somewhere on the net and I don't know who the photographer is.
If you should be the owner of this image and you disagree that I used your image, please contact me inmediatly and I will remove this set asap.

A matching button with "Kittekat design" is provided with  every set for the return link. It SHOULD be linked to: http://kittekatdesign.tripod.com

Graphics found at Kittekatdesign may not be placed in other archives, cd-collections or galleries.






Guestbookbutton is made out of two parts! Download them both!


Font used on buttons: Gando BT size 36 color #EE8CA3

l Girls deserve pink set ll My girl set ll Under the sea set ll Alien set l
l Tribute to love set ll Promises set set l