l Mainpage l Animals l Flowers l Mixed l Baby's l Toddlers l Elephants l
l Colours l Fairy's l

Do not link to these images directly...all you will see is a Tripod commercial. (Thank you Tripod for this protection) Better download them to your harddisk first (O:

All the FREE websets are exclusively designed by Kittekat design.
You are welcome to choose the one(s) you like best and use it on your own site. 
A link back to Kittekat design MUST be provided on the same page the graphics are on.
A matching button with "Kittekat design" is provided with almost every set for the return link. It SHOULD be linked to: http://kittekatdesign.tripod.com

Graphics found at Kittekatdesign may not be placed in other archives, cd-collections or galleries.

All graphics are the property of Kittekat design.  Whether you download them for use on your site or not. You are *borrowing* them in return for a link back to this site.

The moment you download these graphics you agree with the conditions as mentioned above.





Font used on buttons: Magic

l tres chic set l In the countryl Plain green set l Pretty in Pink set l
l Mirror mirror set l