l Mainpage l Animals l Flowers l Mixed l Baby's l Toddlers l Elephants l Colours l
l Fantasyl

Do not link to these images directly...all you will see is a Tripod commercial. (Thank you Tripod for this protection) Better download them to your harddisk first (O:

(This image has an actual size of 180x800. You don't see the font very sharp, that is because I resized it to fit into this area (O: You will however download the real thing.  You can use it just like I did on top of your page.)

All the FREE websets are exclusively designed by Kittekat design.
You are welcome to choose the one(s) you like best and use it on your own site. 
A link back to Kittekat design MUST be provided on the same page the graphics are on.
A matching button with "Kittekat design" is provided with almost every set for the return link. It SHOULD be linked to: http://kittekatdesign.tripod.com

Graphics found at Kittekatdesign may not be placed in other archives, cd-collections or galleries.

All graphics are the property of Kittekat design.  Whether you download them for use on your site or not. You are *borrowing* them in return for a link back to this site.




font used  on buttons: Pepita MT

l 70's websetl Saga set l Grandma's juwels setl Last journey set
l Slumberparty set lTreasure set l Northsea set l Love you too set l